Dr. Melanie Goisauf
ELSI / Senior Scientist
Dr. Melanie Goisauf is Senior Scientist at the European Research Infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC. She has a background in sociology (doctorate with honours), with a focus on science and technology studies (STS), gender studies and qualitative research methods. Additionally, she completed the post-graduate program “Sociology of Social Practices” at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna. Her dissertation was awarded the prize for best thesis in 2017 by the research network “Gender and Agency” of the University of Vienna. She has worked as lecturer at the University of Vienna and Malta. She conducted citizen panels in the European-Citizens-Consultations initiative of the European Commission and within the Austrian national node of BBMRI. Her current research focus in the field of biomedical research is on the ethical and societal implications of health data sharing and medical artificial intelligence. She is co-Work Package Lead in the H2020 project CINECA (Grant agreement ID: 825775), she is leading the task on ethical and social implications of AI-based cancer imaging solutions in the H2020 project EuCanImage (Grant agreement ID: 952103), and she is leading the “Ethics of AI Lab” within BBMRI-ERIC. She is ethics advisor and member of the ethics and legal advisory board in large European projects, and she has also contributed to the FUTURE-AI guiding principles for trustworthy AI.