Prof. Eva Pitoura
University of Ioannina
Prof. Evaggelia Pitoura is a Professor at the University of Ioannina, Greece and a Lead Researcher at the Archimedes Research Unit. She has also held visiting positions at the Univ. of Pittsburgh, Univ. of Cyprus and Georgia Tech. She received a BSc degree from the University of Patras, Greece, and an MS and PhD degree from Purdue University, USA. Her current research focuses on responsible and fair data management. She is or was on the editorial board of top-tier journals and has served with various roles in major conferences in data management (including as PC co-chair of ICDE 2012 and general chair of EDBT 2023). She is the recipient of three best paper awards, a Marie Currie Fellowship and two Recognition of Service Awards from ACM. She is an ACM senior member and chair of the Greek ACM-W event steering committee. Her research has received funding from national and international resources.