Olga Tzortzatou-Nanopoulou
Olga Tzortzatou is a lawyer at the Supreme Court. Since 2007 she holds a position as an in house lawyer at the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA), where her work consists of contractual negotiation for safeguarding intellectual property and ensuring regulatory compliance (i.a. GDPR). She is also the Principal Investigator of the Technology Transfer Office and a Member of the Ethics and Deontology Committee of BRFAA. Her academic research focuses on the legal and ethical implications related to biomedical research. She has been a visiting lecturer in the Medical and Biology Schools of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Democritus University of Thrace, the University of Nicosia and Panteion University since 2015. She has participated in numerous EU funded projects as a legal & ethics scientific advisor (e.g B3Africa, SiENNA, ToAition, MiniNo, B1MG, EATRIS, STRATEGY-CKD, SYSCID etc.). She is currently an active member of Scientific Boards and ELSI working groups in European Infrastructures, Principal Investigator to EU and nationally funded projects (eg. B1MG, SciBioEU etc.) and works as an external ethics expert at the European Research Council (ERC) and the European Commission DG Research & Innovation. She has also served as a Member of Bioethics Committees in Greek Institutions and Academia.