NIMSB – NOVA Institute for Medical Systems Biology
António Jacinto is Director of NIMSB – NOVA Institute for Medical Systems Biology and Principal Investigator at NOVA Medical School, NOVA University Lisbon. His research activity is focoused on the use of systems biology approaches to study the role of cellular metabolism in tissue regeneration and in the pathological consequences of the dysregulation or regenerative processes, particularly in the case of cancer. The ultimate goal is to make impactful dicoveries in human physiology and disease mechanisms, which can lead to new diagnostic methods and innovative therapeutic approaches. António Jacinto holds a Biochemistry degree (1993) from the University of Lisbon and a PhD in Developmental Biology and Genetics (1999) from the Imperial College London, UK. After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at University College London, he established his independent research group at the Gulbenkian Institute of Science, Oeiras, in 2002. He has since held several leadership positions in research.