Assistant Professor at NOVA Medical School
Ana Rodrigues, MD, PhD, is assistant professor of Epidemiology and Rheumatology at Nova Medical School and a clinical researcher and coordinator of the EpiDoC Unit, CHRC, at Nova Medical School. Ana Rodrigues is the coordinator of the rheumatology unit at Lusíadas Hospital. She is the Coordinator of, the national register on rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases from Sociedade Portuguesa de Reumatologia since 2020. She graduated in Medicine (Rheumatology) from the Lisbon School of Medicine, University of Lisbon. She finished her PhD in Medicine (Rheumatology) in 2018 at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa. She completed the Clinical Scholars Research Training I and II from Harvard Medical School – Portugal Program in 2013, a two-year training program on clinical research. Her research is focuses on rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases and aging and the use of digital tools for health promotion among senior citizens.